“A cooperation between the partakers in the different project stages is crucial for the overall success of the plants”, emphasized Elena Pedova, Managing Partner at Evklips Energy Ltd.
During the interview at EnergySummit2025, she underlined that the decisions taken at each phase have a direct influence on both the efficiency and cost of the PV projects. Among the given examples:
• Poor site selection can increase shading losses and land preparation costs.
• Suboptimal electrical design may lead to high transmission losses.
• High-quality components can increase efficiency and reduce installation and maintenance expenses but require higher upfront investment.
Pedova further stressed that by gathering the opinions and insights from everyone in the supply chain from the start, a cost-efficient project is guaranteed.
Evklips Energy, a company with a strong presence in the construction activities across Europe, has executed projects in Poland, the Netherlands, France, Spain, Germany, Belgium, etc. The company is currently working on the largest PV solar farm in Finland.
“Bulgarian investors, can indeed benefit from our experience gained abroad”, Pedova explained. “Bulgaria and Romania have become a hub for installers and our know-how is extremely valuable for the local market. I’m happy to say that Bulgarian investors trust our opinion. Today, I actually met a former client who was very receptive to our suggestions and took decisions that, while not the cheapest at the time, proved to be very cost-effective for the long term investment”.
Pedova is confident that the ever growing demand for energy and the ambitious renewable energy goals, create new opportunities in the photovoltaic market. Agri and Floating PV projects provide an excellent opportunity for dual use of the space for PV parks. According to Pedova, the lack of legal framework is the barrier to such installation in Bulgaria, but the interest of local investors is present. Evklips Energy has been working to develop these market segments for the past four years. Currently, the company is installing a floating solar project in Belgium over a drinking water dam, which will retain its original purpose after project completion.
In the context of decarbonisation, Elena emphasised that although ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) policies are undergoing a transformation, staying committed to long-term goals is crucial.