Cookie Policy
Use of cookies
Cookies are short text files or small packets of information that are stored by the Internet browser on your end device (computer, tablet, laptop or mobile phone) when you visit various sites and pages on the Internet. The main purpose of cookies is to make the user recognizable when he returns to the Website. Some cookies also have a more specific application, such as remembering user behavior on the site and making it easier for the user to use the Website. More information about how cookies work can be found on the Internet.
How are cookies used on this Website?
We use cookies on this Website primarily to facilitate the usability of the website, improve its operation and store information about user behavior. No personal data is stored in this process, i.e. through the cookies on the website we cannot identify you as a person, therefore the Personal Data Protection Act does not apply to the collection of this information. The information collected by cookies is usually used in aggregate form to analyze user behavior on the Website, which allows us to improve the functionality of the website, user paths and the content used.
Cookies may also be used for direct marketing purposes, namely for presenting electronic commercial messages to the user outside the Website.
What cookies are used on this Website?
Session cookies
This type of cookies makes it easier for you to use the website by storing information temporarily, only within the browser session used. Typically, the information stored through them is what goods or services you have added to your cart, which pages of the website you have visited and how you reached a given information. These cookies do not collect information from your end device and are automatically deleted when you leave the Website or end your browser session.
Постоянни “бисквитки”
Те ни дават възможност да съхраняваме конкретна информация за сърфирането, като например анализиране посещенията на сайта, как вие сте достигнали до Уебсайта, какви страници сте прегледали, какви опции сте избрали, както и накъде сте се насочили през този Уебсайт. Проследяването на тази информация, ни дава възможност да правим подобрения на Уебсайта, включително да коригираме грешки и да разширяваме съдържанието. Срокът на съхранение на този вид “бисквитки” варира според конкретното им предназначение.
Third-party cookies
The Website may contain links to other sites or embedded content from other sites, such as Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, LinkedIn, partner websites. It is possible that when you visit these sites or open content from them, cookies from these websites may be stored on your end device. These cookies are defined as third-party cookies, and we have no control over the generation and management of these cookies. Therefore, we advise you to seek information about them and how they are managed on the websites of the relevant third parties.
How can I manage the use of cookies by this Website?
All browsers allow you to manage cookies from a dedicated folder in your browser. You can block the receipt of cookies, delete all or some of them, or set your preferences regarding the use of cookies before you initiate a visit to our site. Please note that deleting or blocking cookies may adversely affect the functionality of our Website and, therefore, your user experience on it.
Disabling or blocking cookies
Controlling, disabling or blocking cookies is managed by your browser settings. Please note that completely prohibiting the use of all cookies may affect the functionality of the site, its efficiency and the accessibility of certain information.